SAMs – Exploring the Roles Responsibilities and Expectations of Safeguarding Adult Managers

Date & Time:

Wednesday 19 March 2025 (09.30 - 12.30)
Wednesday 26 March 2025 (09.30 - 12.30)

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Online Participation, Online


The purpose of this live online facilitated programme is to provide a development opportunity for staff that have a responsibility to coordinate the response to safeguarding concerns and chairing safeguarding meetings in line with the requirements set out in the Care Act 2014 Care & Support Statutory Guidance and the London Multi Agency Adult Safeguarding Policy & Procedures. The key practice expectations explored in the programme are to ensure the safeguarding needs of the adult are central to any actions and decisions taken. The programme includes the importance of exploring the support needs of the adult and others throughout and beyond the safeguarding process. The primary focus of the programme is on positive safeguarding outcomes. The programme provides a detailed understanding of the local authorities safeguarding statutory duties and requirements, in line with The Care Act 2014.

The commitment from participants includes attendance at 2 x 3 hour online live learning session, compulsory pre reading and a task to be completed between each of the online sessions. (There will be approximately seven days between each of the two sessions). Full attendance and completion of the task are necessary to complete all learning outcomes.


Programme Aims:

• To consider how best to meet the safeguarding outcomes of adults through effective management of the local procedure and process, in line with the statutory duties and requirements as set out in The Care Act 2014

• To explore best practice approaches to effectively chair safeguarding meetings to protect adults from abuse within a multi agency safeguarding planning context

• To effectively evaluate the impact of safeguarding decisions for the safety and wellbeing of the adult, in line with the expectations of Making Safeguarding Personal

Learning Objectives:

• Explore the safeguarding adult process and the relevant statutory duties as set out in The Care Act 2014 and the Care & Support Statutory Guidance

• Understand the key roles and responsibilities of the SAM function and their role in fulfilling the statutory duties in respect of enquires

• Understand and utilise local procedure, protocols and practice tools to achieve positive outcomes for adults through effective decision making

• Explore key concepts: consent, capacity, confidentiality, risk consideration, advocacy and MSP.

• Explore the roles, function and best practice approaches to chairing safeguarding meetings

Places Available:


Further Information:


Clara Learning Ltd

Venue Details:

Online Participation, Online