CHSCP: Group B/C: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) & Breast Flattening (CPD Accredited)

Date & Time:

Thursday 20 March 2025 (10:00 - 13:30)

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Online Participation, Online


Aim of the Course

To enhance the understanding and skills of all professionals to act appropriately and confidently to protect and support girls who are at risk or have been subjected to FGM and/or breast flattening. This course assumes that there is a pre-existing basic understanding of both FGM and breast flattening.

By the end of the training participants will have:

  • gained a greater understanding about what FGM and breast flattening are, reasons for the practice, prevalence and impact on girls' and women's lives,
  • been made aware of key legislation and statutory guidance that determines their personal safeguarding role,
  • understood the process for requesting an FGM protection order in England, Northern Ireland and Wales,
  • been made aware of the role of key services,
  • explored gaps in local provision and how to address these,
  • considered how to sustainably engage with girls, their families and communities, and
  • gained confidence in dealing with cases of FGM and breast flattening.

A Note about Groups:

  • Group A training is for people who are in contact with or work regularly with children and young people and with their parents/carers
  • Group B training is for people who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers and may have particular responsibility for safeguarding children
  • Group C training is for designated safeguarding leads and managers in organisations employing staff to work with children and families or with responsibility for commissioning or delivering services.

This course is for colleagues that fall into groups B and C.

Places Available:


Further Information:





Rohma Ullah, Barnados

Venue Details:

Online Participation, Online