CHSCP: Group B/C - Impact of Neglect and Emotional Abuse on the Development of Children & Young People

Date & Time:

Wednesday 12 February 2025 (10:00 - 15:30)

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Online Participation, Online


Aim of the course:

The course aims to help participants become more familiar with the impact on children and young people affected by neglect and emotional abuse, and the implications of this for decision making about their welfare.

By the end of the training, participants will:

  • have considered recent research findings into physical, psychological and behavioural impact of abuse and neglect on development,
  • have considered the impact of abuse and neglect on physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioural development on children of different ages, cultures and disabilities,
  • have explored the link between emotional and behavioural distress and maltreatment, and
  • be able to identify indicators or abuse/ neglect through observation of parent-child interaction.

A Note about Groups:

  • Group A training is for people who are in contact with or work regularly with children and young people and with their parents/carers
  • Group B training is for people who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers and may have particular responsibility for safeguarding children
  • Group C training is for designated safeguarding leads and managers in organisations employing staff to work with children and families or with responsibility for commissioning or delivering services.

This course is for colleagues that fall into groups B and C.

Places Available:


Further Information:


Online Participation



Gretchen Precey

Venue Details:

Online Participation, Online