CHSCP: Group A/B/C - Hear my Voice: Obtaining the Views and Opinions of Children with Communication Difficulties

Date & Time:

Tuesday 29 April 2025 (14:00 - 17:00)

Tell me about future dates of this event


Online Participation, Online


Aim of the course

This course provides information about types of communication difficulties children may have and the different strategies and approaches that professionals can use to obtain the voice (opinion, views, account) of the child.

By the end of the session delegates will:

  • understand why gaining the VOC is key to good practice,
  • understand what communication difficulties are and the groups of children and young people who may present with these difficulties.
  • understand how to use a range of tools and strategies to support a child’s understanding as well as their ability to express their views and opinions,
  • know what steps to follow to ensure the child is supported appropriately, and
  • receive access to tools and strategies.

A Note about Groups:

  • Group A training is for people who are in contact with or work regularly with children and young people and with their parents/carers
  • Group B training is for people who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers and may have particular responsibility for safeguarding children
  • Group C training is for designated safeguarding leads and managers in organisations employing staff to work with children and families or with responsibility for commissioning or delivering services.

This course is for colleagues that fall into groups A, B and C.

Places Available:


Further Information:


Live: In Person



Lucy Davis

Venue Details:

Online Participation, Online