CHSCP: Group A/B/C - Understanding Adultification Bias: Exploring the risks and implications for practice and safeguarding

Date & Time:

Tuesday 25 March 2025 (09:30 - 15:30)

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Online Participation, Online


Aim of the course:

This workshop for multi-disciplinary and agency professionals in education, health, social care, youth services, therapeutic and clinical services explores the concept of ‘adultification’ and the wider historical, organisational, institutional professional, cultural, and personal perspectives. The training aims to explore the intersectionality of race, gender, age, neurodiversity, and culture to understand the disproportionate experience of Black and Global Majority children by professionals who minimise their vulnerability and safeguarding needs.

N.B. This session uses case studies, small group discussions and serious case review findings to explore how adultification manifests in practice.

By the end of the course delegates will:

  • have increased awareness of the concept of Adultification Bias,
  • have explored notions of vulnerability and childhood, and how these are applied to some children more than others,
  • understand the risks to Black and Global Majority children and young people and the wider context of victimisation and adultification,
  • understand the broad concepts of intersectionality and Adultification Bias
  • have explored personal, professional, and organisational spheres of adultification,
  • have reflected and learned from case studies/Children Safeguarding Practice Review (CSPR) including Child Q and Child C,
  • have explored and be able to recognise how adultification manifests in our practice and the impact this has on safeguarding Black and Global Majority children and young people across disciplines and agencies including health, social care, education and criminal justice, and
  • be able to identify barriers and strategies to prevent the adultification of Black and Global Majority children in practice and increase safeguarding.

A Note about Groups:

  • Group A training is for people who are in contact with or work regularly with children and young people and with their parents/carers
  • Group B training is for people who work regularly with children and young people and adults who are parents/carers and may have particular responsibility for safeguarding children
  • Group C training is for designated safeguarding leads and managers in organisations employing staff to work with children and families or with responsibility for commissioning or delivering services.

This course is for colleagues that fall into groups A, B and C.

Places Available:


Further Information:


Online Participation



Marcia Rice

Venue Details:

Online Participation, Online