Safeguarding Adults Workshop for Manager & Safeguarding Leads

Date & Time:

Thursday 6 March 2025 (09.30 - 12.30)

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Online Participation, Online


About this programme

The aim of this 3-hour live online learning session is to provide an opportunity for safeguarding leads in partner organisations and services to explore their responsibilities in relation to safeguarding adults. The objective is to explore responsibilities within the context of the London multi agency policy & procedures (April 2019). This programme provides an opportunity to discuss operational and practice issues on the prevention and protection of adults from abuse. The programme explores how managers and safeguarding leads can contribute to safeguarding adults at risk within the wider safeguarding process e.g. planning meetings, providing information for safeguarding enquires, dealing with matters in relation to staff, attending safeguarding meetings and contributing to effective safeguarding plans.

The programme is developed and delivered within the framework of the Care Act 2014 and the Care & Support Statutory Guidance which sets out statutory duties and responsibilities including the duty to cooperate to protect adults from abuse and neglect.

Programme Aims:

1. To enable safeguarding leads to embed safeguarding and prevention in their work setting and work practices

2. To develop confidence in using the multi-agency safeguarding adults policy and procedures for the benefit of adults at risk

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand safeguarding duties and responsibilities as set out in the Care Act 2014 and the London multi-agency safeguarding policy, procedures and process

  • Explore relevant legal requirements and considerations related to effective safeguarding practice

  • Consider effective practice in the identification, response and reporting of safeguarding concerns

  • Have increased confidence in making decisions on immediate protection matters

  • Explore the importance of ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ and consider how to embed its principles into practice

  • Explore effective partnership working and the how organisations can work together to achieve effective safeguarding outcomes for adults

Places Available:


Further Information:


Clara Learning Ltd

Venue Details:

Online Participation, Online